Cultural Awareness Workshop

Fall and Spring Sessions from 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Location:  Wright State Physicians Health Center, 725 University Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Family Medicine Classroom

Residents from all programs are invited to attend this workshop.  Activities will be interactive as well as didactic.  Residents attending the workshop will be provided with advance reading material and additional handouts/worksheets during the seminar. 

Resident Seminar Topics

  • Communicating across cultural differences

  • Spiritual influences and health practices in selected groups

  • Recognition of spiritual influences in the physician-patient interaction

  • Exploring patients’ illness experiences and beliefs

  • Health Disparities

Learning Objectives

The resident should demonstrate competence in:

  • Understanding the impact of spiritual/cultural experiences on adult health

  • Understanding the impact of patients’ cultural identity, gender, beliefs and practices on access to health care providers

  • Understanding spiritual/cultural influences in both patients and caregivers as they affect decisions about therapy 

The resident should:

  • Develop sensitivity to the cultural influences present at the start of a patient interview

  • Identify how cultural beliefs, practices, and gender affect the relationship with patients

  • Demonstrate various approaches to delivering medical information, including bad news, to patients and families

  • Understand how cultural norms affect conflict and learn strategies for resolution

The resident should demonstrate:

  • An appreciation for diversity of spiritual and cultural beliefs

  • Awareness of their own attitudes toward various spiritual and cultural experiences and the possible biases that could influence treatment of patients

RSVPs are required. Send registration (resident name & e-mail address) to
Limit of 30 participants