DAGMEC 26th Annual Virginia C. Wood Resident Research Forum

WSU Student Union, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy., Dayton, OH 45435

Thursday, March 27th, 2025, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm - In Person Only this year!

The 26th Annual Virginia C. Wood Resident & Fellow Research Forum is a poster presentation forum that features research and scholarly work by interns, residents and fellows in the greater Dayton, Ohio area.

The mission of this forum is to foster collaboration, spark research interest, and provide trainees with opportunities to present their work, receive feedback, and grow through interactions with physicians, scientists, residents, and students.


Please read carefully and assure compliance before submission

Download a copy of the rules HERE

Exceptions to these rules must be approved before abstract submission. Send questions to dagmec@wright.edu.

1.      ABSTRACTS may be submitted November 18, 2024, through February 17, 2025. ANY exceptions, send email to dagmec@wright.edu asap.

2.      The Primary Author must be in attendance at the forum for the full 2 hours of the forum: Thursday, March 27, 2025, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

    • PLEASE CLEAR all other commitments, including call schedule and clinic/office/hospital schedules well before the forum to allow your attendance!

    • If the primary author is not in attendance for the full two hours of the forum, their poster will be disqualified and withdrawn from the forum.

    • ANY exceptions or emergencies, send email to dagmec@wright.edu asap.

3.      The Primary author (resident or fellow) is to be the one who presents the poster at the forum, although other authors are welcome to assist.

4.      ONLY ONE POSTER may be submitted per primary author.

    • Primary author may be a co-author on other posters, but primary only on one.

5.      Posters presented at another professional meeting are allowed and even encouraged.

    • We want you to share your work, especially work that is good enough to be accepted at outside meetings.

6.      “Research in progress” is acceptable for submission but will not be included in the competition and MUST include the words “Research in Progress” in the title of their abstract and poster.

  • The exception is if the submission is completed by the date of the forum.

7.      Residents, interns, and fellows who are currently in a DAGMEC program may submit posters.

  • Faculty (including “Extra year residents” who are classified as faculty) may not be primary author and may not submit to the forum. However, ALL faculty (at any institution), community physicians, and other researchers are encouraged to assist residents and fellows with research projects and may be listed as co-authors on one or more posters.

8.      Faculty Advisor: All resident projects, including Case Reports/Case Series, must have a faculty advisor. (Fellow’s submissions may have, but are not required to have, a faculty advisor.) 

    • Faculty Advisor must be listed as a co-author on the abstract and the poster.

    • The faculty advisor must review and approve the abstract PRIOR TO SUBMISSION.




    • The exception is that case reports presented by WSU residents/fellows do not need IRB approval, as a case report is not considered "Human Subjects Research" by the Wright State IRB. However, ALL projects are expected to comply strictly with all HIPAA regulations, and presenters are expected to have taken all appropriate steps to protect any personal information.

    • Click here for instructions on obtaining Institutional Review Board (IRB) and approval.


    • MSWORD format ONLY (doc or .docx)

    • MAX of 3000 characters (excluding spaces)

    • Minimum 900 characters (excluding spaces)

    • No more than one page long

    • Font: Times New Roman, 12 points

    • Abstract must be submitted in the appropriate category. (see “Categories” below)

    • MUST use one of the templates:

      1. Click here to use the template for CASE REPORTS/SERIES (only)

      2. Click here to use the template for ALL OTHER CATEGORIES

    • Must include references (it is suggested that there be no more than three (3) references). (Yes, references ARE included in the word count and must also fit within the one-page limit!) (Please note, that references should NOT be included on your poster).

    • Click here for links on ideas and instructions how to write an abstract

 11.  Abstracts must be submitted by 11:59 PM (23:59) EDT on February 17, 2025. ANY exceptions, send email to dagmec@wright.edu as soon as possible.

 12.  Submission must be approved by Program Director (sent automatically). Once approved, it will then be peer reviewed, and a response email with either acceptance or rejection sent to primary author and faculty advisor.

    • If you do not receive a response email within about 8 days of submission, please check with your program director to confirm that they have approved the project, then contact dagmec@wright.edu.

 13.  If accepted, an email with instructions on submitting your poster will be sent by January 2 (or with the acceptance email after January 2).

 14.  For instructions on creating posters, click here.

  • All posters will be presented in an ELECTRONIC format (on a screen). You will present your poster to the judges and others in attendance. You must remain in attendance even when you are not presenting your poster. Kindly participate in discussion with other presenters during their question and answer time.

 15.  Posters (electronic version, in PowerPoint Format ONLY) must be submitted by 11:59 PM (23:59) Friday, March 14, 2025

 16.  Again, primary authors must present their posters and be in attendance for the full 2 hours of the Forum, Thursday, March 27, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM.

Abbreviated Timeline of Events for the forum

1.      Submissions will be accepted November 18, 2024, through February 17, 2025, and must confirm with the formatting as described in rule #10 above.  ANY exceptions, send email to dagmec@wright.edu asap.

2.      Application goes to Program Director (PD) for approval (2-3 days)

3.      Once PD approves, abstract peer reviewed, and email of acceptance or rejection sent. (3-7 days)

4.      If accepted, instructions emailed for submitting electronic poster. (by January 2, 2025)

5.      Deadline for submitting your POSTER: MARCH 14, 2025.

6.      Forum Thursday, March 27, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM IN PERSON.

ONLY use the Chrome browser to submit your abstract.

TO SUBMIT, click here (open ONLY in Chrome)


Patient Safety/Quality Improvement

This category includes all types of research (case studies excluded) that deal with such things as: patient hand-offs/transitions of care, incorporating/improving protocols (hospital or outpatient), office flow, process improvement, patient/provider incentives, improving patient safety, or the many other areas that have to do with patient safety/quality improvement.


This category includes, among other things: chart reviews, basic science, clinical interventions, translational research, medications, etc. It can also include surveys and medical pedagogical (education/teaching) research. It does NOT include case studies or case reports (separate category).

Case Reports/Series

 This includes all case reports and case series projects. We strongly encourage these reports/series to be of the highest quality.

 Fellow's Projects

 ANY submission by a Fellow MUST be submitted in this category. This category includes all types of research (including case reports/series) submitted by fellows.

 Competition & Prizes:

Posters and accompanying abstracts that meet all requirements will be included in a competition and will be judged during the Forum. (To see areas scored in the judging, click here.) Cash prizes will be awarded to the top two submissions in each of the submission categories (see the Categories section above).

Good luck and the community looks forward to seeing you in person at the Forum!